Chris Brown hit the Hollywood club scene Tuesday night, just hours after being sentenced to five years probation and six months of community service for beating the shit out of "assaulting" his ex-girlfriend Rihanna and already the media is giving him grief for doing so.

Brown was spotted at Guys and Dolls where supposedly he gave the crowd an impromptu of Michael Jackson's Dirty Diana after receiving his sentence just hours earlier for felony assault on Rihanna. Brown was warned to stay away from his ex for the next five years and an order keeping him 100ft away from her unless at industry functions where it is a 10ft minimum. Brown also was told to complete six months of his community service in VA where he will be cleaning graffiti, washing cars, and just lots of manual labor. He is also required to attend a year of Domestic Violence class.
One of the terms of Browns Probation was "abstain from the use of all alcoholic beverages and stay out of places where they are the chief item of sale." Which he clearly did not. But the judge is seeing this different. Sources state that although Brown's table ordered alcohol, Brown drank water and ate wings.
I think everyone should leave him alone. We all know that obviously he should not be enjoying alcohol since he is only 20 but we are all guilty of underage drinking. We should not judge Chris. He made a mistake but is an entertainer and partying comes with the territory. i think he will rebound and be a better person. Truthfully since he will be in Virginia more often maybe I will see him more? He does live down the street from me.
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