Ever since the 5 year anniversary event for Halo DC was announced I was on edge because the person hosting the event was JD Ordonez from MTVs Real World Brooklyn. After hearing JD would be the host I had to be in attendance since he is one of my favorite Real Worlders of all time! As the event got closer I heard there would be more Celebs/Reality Stars Showing up. So of course this made me more anxious!!! When the day finally came I was most definitely in attendance and oh did that night get crazy!
I arrived at the club around 7:45 and when I entered I decided to wander around on the bottom floor for a bit and get a couple drinks. My next stop was upstairs where the party was at. When I arrived upstairs I noticed my friend Chris Wiggins was over in the corner talking with some people so I made my way over and he introduced me to everyone. The person he introduced me to first was Crystal Waters who was definitely really cool. While mingling I noticed JD and went over to introduce myself. He was a really sweet guy and we talked about a variety of things from him working in FL at the Seaquarium to his many adventures since Real World Brooklyn. We must have talked for like 25 minutes until finally we exchanged info, took some pictures, and I went on to mingle more.
At this point it was around 8:30 and I noticed that the Real World DC's Erika, Callie, and Mike were in attendance. I did not approach any of them because I did not want to be a pest. While I was mingling with Ann (my date) and some friends, Callie approached us and we all started talking to her. She was telling us how she was working as a photographer for the Washington Blade. Since she was working and could not talk very much she mentioned very briefly how she was liking DC and the RWDC house and cast mates. She took a picture of all of us and we all chatted for a while and then I made my way over to get some food.

On my way to get some cheese and crackers I bumped into Mike and he noticed me right away and we started talking. He was telling me how he is doing in HRC and how there is a lot of drama in the house. Like always we talked about his passion for snowboarding and how he really feels about RWDC. He said he is on this show to make a change. He wants to show everyone that it is not about what you see but who you are. I asked him what he thought about everybodys reaction to him and another guy and he stated "I like guys now but in the end I want a wife and a white picket fence." Mike stated how he wants to move to DC when MTV finishes filming and he finishes school. He said he may even transfer to a college around here!!! I hope he does because truthfully he is the most REAL person on the show. While we were talking Erika came out of no where and literally pulled Mike from me and said "don't talk to the blogger". He looked at her and said to leave him alone. After her constant nagging and need for someone to care about her Mike told me he would be back later and we parted.
As I was walking away Erika grabbed me! She asked "why are you here." At this point I was fed up with her and told her very politely that "she doesn't need to flatter herself. I am not her for you but for friends and JD" She did not like my answer. She said then "why do you approach us?" I asked her if I ever approached her and she could say nothing? When she started to become more of a bitch I politely excused myself and went to mingle with my friends. Around 10 minutes later security asked me to leave for being a blogger? It was about 10:00 at this time.
I cooperated and went outside and called Beth. She said to "get my butt back in there" so I tried. I started making phone calls and all of a sudden JD came outside and said he heard what happened. We talked for a bit and he was not happy about the situation. Then Chris and Crystal came out and she told me how she loves that I blog and wanted me to blog about her one day!!! We continued to talk and after like 10 minutes Babak, the owner of the club and my new friend, came out and we spoke about the misunderstanding and he let me back in. When I arrived back in Beth arrived and we decided to have fun together. We took some pictures and had some drinks. We continued to talk with everyone and at around 1:00am I decided to leave.
I must say I had a wonderful time at Halo and I will definitely go back again. i also want to thank all of my friends for being there for me. I had a crazy time and loved every minute of it.
Here are some of the pics.

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