The Move in day was insane. I was definitely there and I saw first hand how real it could get. The move in went rather smooth for the cast mates. The cast mates ranged from a variety of backgrounds and they were all very cool. I know this because I made it a point to talk to every cast member on and off Camera. (Listen people, I'm dedicated to this). Now, I have nothing against any of the cast members. However, my favorite person thus far would have to be Mike. He is from Colorado and the most
REAListic on the show from my point of view.
On move in day, not only were there
bloggers and fans but, Lindsey from
WUSA9 was there to report on everything. Her story was to show how social sites such as Twitter are influenced in the shooting of this TV show and to Welcome Real World DC. This is how MTV responded to my interview with Lindsey: that night we went to
BUCA and had some drinks. The
RWDC cast was there and fighting over religion. Two girls swarmed in the bathroom as my friend Beth ( was walking out at the time. The MTV camera crews and security completely denied anyone else after this in the bathrooms as long as they were filming....Can they do that?
After the restaurant we went back outside of the
RWDC house where a small group of protesters were outside yelling about MTV not being "GREEN". I spoke with them for a minute and we started getting into debates. (they had no backing of there protest, I was rather amused) While I was debating with them,
RWDC cast comes outside and we all start debating side by side. They were very peaceful and calm about everything. While this is going on I am talking to the cast members and getting to know them. There was a handstand contest with
Elizabethany and TY, Mike and I were just talking about
snowboarding and things like that, and I spoke with the girls and the rest of the guys
as well. There were so many
conversations. After the protesters figure out there idiots and leave, the
RWDC cast gets ready to go out. They invited us and at this point everyone was tipsy (including me). As we were walking Erika gets into a shouting match with
Elizabethany. She said she has seen the blogs and so on so forth. I missed a lot of this because I was up ahead with everyone else. When the drama started getting really bad TY approached me and we spoke and agreed that since it was
RWDCs first night that we would let them chill together so we left.
Overall that day was amazing and I look forward to many more nights chilling with the RWDC cast.
If you want to keep up to date on
RWDC, follow us all on Twitter. @
ollignom, @
luvelizabethany, @
mikesica, @